J.K. Organisation's community health engagement programmes are like relationships.
We engage with the community to ensure healthy and hygienic practices to secure the future of women and children in rural India.
Our key thrust areas are children and women's health, HIV interventions and Water and Sanitation
Children & Women's Health
To improve health status of women and children we focus on:
- Linkage with government programmes
- Increase in community participation for sustainability
- Providing quality reproductive health services through mobile clinics
- Increase in acceptability of & access to family planning methods by informed choice
- Prepare adolescents for responsible parenthood by increasing their knowledge
- Documentation of learning, processes and good practices for replication & scale-up
The project is implemented by our companies across India under the name Naya Savera and Parivartan.

Vinita Singhania
VCMD, J.K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd
Director J.K. Organisation
"If an expecting mother comes to us for a check-up, our engagement culminates at the birth of her child who we greet with a kit for a new-born. We ensure good health to the new-born child along with the mother and continue our support till the baby is through with all the basic immunisation needs ."
Achievements of Naya Savera and Parivartan

- Ladies are proactively utilizing female sterilization in tribal area
- The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) for Villages covered by Naya Savera is 31 compared to 91 of Sirohi District
- The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) for Villages covered by Naya Savera is 0 compared to 6.5 of Sirohi District
- Drastic improvement in the % of Institutional deliveries
- Increase in the use of family planning methods
- Increase in the % of child immunization
- New Pregnancy Rate for Villages covered by Naya Savera is 16.8 compared to 36.14 of District Sirohi (population control)
- New Birth Rate for Villages covered by Naya Savera is 15.6 compared to 32.21 of District Sirohi per 1000 Population
- Three Antenatal Check ups for Villages covered by Naya Savera is 78% compared to 33% of Sirohi District
- Infant mortality rate brought down from 61% to 17% in target area through Parivartan in Rajsamundh district.
- Increase in the usage of contraceptives through Parivartan
- 100 % Immunisation through Parivartan.
HIV AIDS Prevention
J.K. Organisation partnered with International Labour Organization (ILO) to spread awareness amongst the high risk groups on the causes, prevention and taboos related to HIV Aids.
The project largely spearheaded by JK Tyre facilitated 218 such awareness programmes
More than 12000 people, largely truck drivers, who spent significant time on higways were sensitized to the dangers of HIV/ AIDS.
Water & Sanitation
J.K. Organisation believes clean drinking water and sanitation are basic necessities of good health. With the intention of making clean drinking water available to the villagers in the vicinity of our plants across various locations in India water bodies are de-silted and cleaned regularly. Kankroli Tyre Plant has installed water huts to ensure availability of clean drinking water in the surrounding villages. Banmore plant at Madhya Pradesh has been distributing potable drinking water in rural areas through distribution centres apart from installing overhead water tanks of 10,000 litre capacities.
Capacities were installed by JKLC in village Naogaon and Khanpur Kalan near Jhajjar grinding unit to tackle water crisis besides setting up few piaos at nearby villages.
Group companies are also supporting Swach Bharat Mission Programme. Of the 550 toilets which have been subsidized by group, 350 have already been constructed and 200 are under construction. Group companies are also spreading awareness to increase usage of un-used toilets through behaviour change modules. The group is also an active member of FICCI promoted India Sanitation Coalition and participates and contributes in the functioning of task forces.